Welcome to SecFund

Are you representing a company with groundbreaking technology suitable for both civilian and military applications? SecFund offers you the opportunity to bring this dual-use technology to life.

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The fund

SecFund supports startups, scale-ups, and innovative SMEs that contribute to the innovation needs of the Ministry of Defence. The fund is a collaboration between the Ministry of Defence, the Ministry of Economic Affairs, and the Regional Development Agencies, united under ROM-Nederland. The Brabant Development Agency (BOM) manages the fund on behalf of all regional development agencies.

Focus on dual-use solutions

SecFund strengthens national security and strategic autonomy in The Netherlands by providing early-stage financing to innovative Dutch enterprises working on dual-use solutions—technologies or products that can be used for both civilian and military applications.

What do we offer? 

Explore opportunities with SecFund and contribute to a safer future.

  • Financing up to 5 million euro per company

    For the development of dual-use solutions

  • Expertise and network

    Access to a network of co-investors, experts and partners within and beyond this area

  • Venture development support

    Support to transform your business idea into a scale-up

How can we help you?

Wat are dual-use solutions?

Dual-use solutions are technologies or products that can be used for both civilian and military applications. This means the same technology can contribute to the safety and efficiency of both civilian and defense-related activities.

SecFund follows the current guidelines of the European Investment Bank (EIB) for investing in dual-use technologies:
“Investing in a safe and secure Europe by supporting dual-use products, services, and technologies that benefit both civilian purposes and law enforcement or military applications, with a clear market opportunity.”

How much funding can I receive from SecFund?

SecFund invests between €150,000 and a maximum of €5 million per company. This capital is intended to help companies develop and scale their dual-use technologies.

Please note: SecFund can only co-invest with private investors on identical terms, aiming to finance up to 50% of the total investment need through SecFund and other public resources. Therefore, the total investment requirement of your company can be greater than 5 million euros.

Who manages SecFund?

The fund is operated by the nine regional development agencies united in ROM Nederland. These organizations provide the appropriate guidance and support to the companies who receive funding.  The fund therefore has nationwide coverage. The Brabant Development Agency (BOM) manages the fund on behalf of the regional development agencies.

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Online investment check

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